“MentorPRO isn’t just another mentoring software tool. It’s a blueprint for how to do everything right.”
Trusted by universities, nonprofits, and mentoring programs globally.
The science behind MentorPRO
“MentorPRO is the natural extension of decades of our research on youth mentoring. Every feature of this groundbreaking new approach is backed by peer-reviewed research.”
Jean Rhodes, Ph.D.
Recipient of the 2024 Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Lifetime Contribution to Developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and Society, American Psychological Association
Co-founder, MentorPRO
Frank L. Boyden Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Boston
Director, Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring
How MentorPRO works
Proven outcomes
Incoming students used MentorPRO with less than 5% attrition a year later.
MentorPRO associated with significantly higher GPA, well-being, and sense of belonging.
Students who received a referral accessed the resource.
Found the resource they were referred to helpful.
Students have used the check-in feature.
Werntz, et. al. 2023; Werntz, et. al. 2024