How do I add a new Mentee?

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  1. Go to the “Mentee” tab and click the ADD button in the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. Add the new Mentee’s full name, phone number, ID (which can be the phone number), and email.
  3. Then, click ADD. The new user will get an email to welcome them to MentorPRO and instructions on how to download the app.
  4. Now that the account has been created, it’s time to assign them to a program. In the Mentees tab, click on Unassigned Mentees at the top of your screen. A list of all new unassigned Mentees will appear.
  5. Click the name of the new Mentee to open their profile and scroll down to the “Assigned Programs” section.
  6. Then, click ASSIGN to select an Organization, a Program, and the Mentor(s) from the list. Click ADD. You can also add identifiers (filters) if available. Note: If your program is using Flash Mentoring, assigning a Mentor is not necessary.