Program Model Flexibility

Program Model Flexibility
entorPRO’s flexible features support program models ranging from peer mentoring for incoming students to alumni networking for job seekers…and everything in between.
MentorPRO fits many different types of mentoring models.
One-on-one mentoring programs match each mentor with a single mentee. Our program allows one-to-one secure text and video messaging between single individuals. What’s more is that messaging can be supervised by program staff, ensuring mentee safety.
Group mentoring allows each mentor to be matched with multiple mentees. Mentors can start group messages with all or some of their mentees within our program, and can message each mentee individually.
Flash mentoring allows all mentees to search for pre-screened alumni, industry and other mentors . Your mentors can set their availability and then mentees can search by keywords or specializations to message available mentors. Mentors and mentees can choose to have ongoing, longer-term relationships or can have limited interactions.
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